Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At Gibbsville Church, we strive to fulfill the Great Commission by supporting Global Missions. Continue reading to learn about the individuals and organizations we support - people who have dedicated their lives to preaching the good news of Jesus Christ and been sent into key locations around the world. Prayer is another vital way we support their families and work. Scroll down to learn more about them, their families, and how to get in touch!

Missionaries We Support

Kelsey (TeBeest) & Josue Corpas
Serving with World Team in Madrid, Spain
Kelsey grew up in Oostburg, WI where she was raised in a Christian home. You may know her parents Jim and Nancy TeBeest. Kelsey is working full-time for World Team living in Madrid, Spain. She has been in Spain for 6 years. Initially she was teaching English through a business as missions English Academy. However, she saw God opening up many more doors to share our faith on her basketball team and running club. Since Kelsey saw more open doors through sports and fitness, she now has the focus of reaching Spaniards through those avenues. Through sports and fitness, they build relationships with people, earning their trust and are able to share their faith. They share the truth of the gospel and joy of walking with Jesus while praying that God opens the hearts of Spaniards. Their plan is to stay in Spain for 10-15 years as it takes time for the seeds to grow fruit. Their ultimate goal is to see the creation of church plants led by Spaniards.
Kelsey Corpas
Calle de la Rioja 5, Bajo A
28042 Madrid, Spain
Kelsey Corpas
Calle de la Rioja 5, Bajo A
28042 Madrid, Spain

Jason & Lisa Viljoen
Serves with Door of Hope in South Africa
Jason and Lisa serve at an orphan ministry in South Africa called Door of Hope. This ministry rescues and cares for abandoned babies, works closely with adoption agencies to find them good Christian families, and disciples them in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Door of Hope is in the process of building and developing a Children's Village - a Christ-centered community - where orphans who do not end up getting adopted may find love and belonging in a traditional nuclear family structure. At the Village these children will be raised in the faith and learn of their promised redemption in Christ and of His good purposes for their lives. The story of the gospel is the story of a God who sought out his children who were once orphans in the world and adopted them into His family. Jason and Lisa's greatest desire for the orphans who come to Door of Hope is not only that they would be adopted into a loving earthly family but that they would encounter their loving Heavenly Father and be adopted into His family as well.

Global Organizations We Support

Mission E4
Giving Kids Hope
Mission E4 is a nonprofit organization with a current primary focus on schools in Haiti. We have a rich history in providing leadership for effective responses to a world in need across the world. While vital education and food is provided, we also believe that a holistic approach is important for meeting physical and spiritual needs. Sponsorship also provides critical services such as
Note: Over 95% of the staff of Mission E4 is in Haiti, across many occupations, to ensure it is locally run and providing value back into the communities.
The Haitian campuses grew out of a vision from the Long family and local pastors. The ability to provide hope, discipleship and lasting economic change provided a pattern for growth and community impacts. Schools have been added according to the vision of meeting needs and through acquisitions from organizations that looked to Mission E4 for a successful model.
The Mission as described in Ephesians 4 is to operate as one humble, loving, peaceful body in unity. The call is to use the gifts and resources we have been given for works of service to build up the body, become mature and attain the fullness of Christ.
To that end we are challenging ourselves to three outcomes
“…when Jesus saw the crowd, he was moved with compassion” It is our privilege to serve with excellence for those in need and those that give generously. We must do our best with the resources entrusted to us at Mission E4 to be compassionate and meet the pressing needs.
Pete Carlson CEO/President
- Medical care
- Secure sites and safety in a dangerous environment
- Community change
- Spiritual discipleship
- Career opportunities with steady work
- Partnerships for the kids with sponsor interaction.
Note: Over 95% of the staff of Mission E4 is in Haiti, across many occupations, to ensure it is locally run and providing value back into the communities.
The Haitian campuses grew out of a vision from the Long family and local pastors. The ability to provide hope, discipleship and lasting economic change provided a pattern for growth and community impacts. Schools have been added according to the vision of meeting needs and through acquisitions from organizations that looked to Mission E4 for a successful model.
The Mission as described in Ephesians 4 is to operate as one humble, loving, peaceful body in unity. The call is to use the gifts and resources we have been given for works of service to build up the body, become mature and attain the fullness of Christ.
To that end we are challenging ourselves to three outcomes
- Growth that meets more and more needs
- Sustainability that provides protection for what is in place and a solid foundation for growth
- Pursuit of excellence and direction from God that provides increased effectiveness and efficiency
“…when Jesus saw the crowd, he was moved with compassion” It is our privilege to serve with excellence for those in need and those that give generously. We must do our best with the resources entrusted to us at Mission E4 to be compassionate and meet the pressing needs.
Pete Carlson CEO/President